National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

May 6, 1996 news_features

Deadline for submitting Final Four ticket requests is extended to May 16

The deadline for submitting ticket applications for the 1997 Final Four has been extended from May 3 to May 16.

Applications received by May 16 will be included in a random computerized drawing, which will be conducted by the NCAA in June.

This deadline extension will not affect the mid-July date when applicants will be notified of the results of the drawing.

"The purpose for extending the deadline is to allow those fans who are just now receiving their ticket applications adequate time to return them," said Daniel A. Calandro, NCAA director of Division I men's basketball operations.

The April 24 deadline for requesting a ticket application has passed and will not be extended. No new applications will be mailed by the NCAA. Ticket applications have been available since March 6.