National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

May 6, 1996 news_features

WANTED -- Certification peer reviewers

The NCAA Committee on Athletics Certification is encouraging Division I athletics administrators -- particularly minorities -- to submit their names for consideration if they are interested in serving as peer reviewers in the Association's athletics certification program.

Approximately 870 individuals currently are in the pool of peer reviewers for the Division I program, which has been underway for three years. However, that number includes only 117 directors of athletics and 87 senior woman administrators.

Those numbers are regarded as relatively low in relation to the 306 schools in Division I. In addition, ethnic minorities and females compose only a fraction of the pool (11 and 25 percent, respectively). As a result, it is difficult to match peer reviewers to like institutions and at the same time provide the athletics/nonathletics balance of personnel desired on each team.

Peer reviewers generally each are asked to visit a Division I campus no more than once a year. Visits normally last for about three days. Reviewers selected for a team are required to attend a one-day training session in advance of a visit, and expenses for training and campus visits are covered by the NCAA and the host institution, respectively.

Marcia L. Saneholz, senior associate athletics director at Washington State University, chairs the Peer-Selection Subcommittee of the Committee on Athletics Certification. The subcommittee is responsible for selecting individuals for the peer-reviewer pool and choosing peer-review teams.

To be selected as a peer reviewer, an individual must be from a Division I institution or conference office (or be a recent retiree); have five years' campus experience, including three in Division I; and have recognized expertise, skills or experience in particular areas addressed in the certification program.

Directors of athletics, senior woman administrators, and associate and assistant directors of athletics -- particularly ethnic minorities and women -- who satisfy the selection criteria are being invited to complete a candidate form. The form can be obtained from David A. Knopp, NCAA director of compliance services, at the national office (telephone 913/339-1906).