National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

May 6, 1996

Survey designed to aid Division II transition team in decision-making

The NCAA Division II Steering Committee has approved a survey instrument that is designed to provide data that will aid the division's transition team in its decision-making process.

The survey instrument, which also was reviewed by the Division II subcommittee of the NCAA Presidents Commission, focuses on seven areas: governance, membership requirements, championship structure, finances, financial aid, academic requirements and membership compliance.

The seven areas generally coincide with the responsibilities for four project teams that recently were appointed by the Division II Management Council Transition Team and a finance/budget committee that was established by the Presidents Council Transition Team.

The form, which has been mailed to Division II chief executive officers with copies to athletics directors, senior woman administrators and faculty athletics representatives, is to be returned to the national office by May 24.

CEOs are asked to provide guidance on matters as they relate to Division II. Some of the areas that are examined include:

* Which committees should be identified as Association-wide committees.

* How and to what extent student-athletes should be involved in the governance structure.

* Sports-sponsorship requirements.

* The possibility of subdividing Division II for championships purposes.

* Method of distributing the $3 million Division II enhancement fund.

* Alternative financial aid models.

* Initial-eligibility requirements.

* Two-year college transfer rules.

* Whether to proceed with a voluntary athletics certification plan for Division II or, in the alternative, whether to address the division's commitment to compliance through enhancements to the Division II Institutional Self-Study Guide.

The chairs of the project teams, who were identified in the April 15 issue of The NCAA News, met for the first time April 25 and discussed a set of principles that will guide them in their work. Those principles are:

* Review the current system/structure in the given topic area and review how the Association got to this point.

* Identify what is good about the current system/structure in the given topic area and determine whether and how it can be maintained.

* Identify what can be improved within the current system/structure.

* Identify how the current system/structure can be streamlined and how it can operate more efficiently.

* Establish a time line for review of the issues and develop recommendations for review by the appropriate bodies within the Division II governance structure.