National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

May 6, 1996

Scoring change sought for skiing championships--Other Highlights

Men's and Women's Skiing Committee
April 16-18/Overland Park, Kansas

* Discussed ways of making it fiscally possible to recommend the University of Alaska Anchorage as host for the 1999 championships, but made no formal recommendation.

* In a safety matter, considered the possibility of requiring helmet use in the giant slalom. According to committee members, most competitors in that event already use helmets because they are required by the United States Skiing Association for its events. Since the issue involves both safety and money, any move to require helmets in NCAA competition would require NCAA Executive Committee approval.

* Noting increased interest in snowboarding, expressed a desire to investigate whether such an event should become part of collegiate skiing. The rationale is to enhance the sport and attract more schools to sponsor skiing.

* In its rules discussion, decided to require that student-athletes wear team uniforms during competition and post- or pre-event activities.