National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

May 6, 1996

Change urged to allow junior college players to declare draft without jeopardizing eligibility -- Other Highlights

Two-Year College Relations Committee
April 22/Kansas City, Missouri

* Reviewed a draft of a survey that will be sent to 280 junior colleges that are members of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. The surveys will attempt to determine how many institutions offer correspondence courses, how many institutions accept correspondence courses to meet degree requirements, and whether and how correspondence courses are labeled on transcripts. This research is being conducted by the NCAA Academic Requirements Committee, which will issue a joint report with the Two-Year College Relations Committee.

* Discussed information gathered by the NCAA enforcement staff from student-athletes who took correspondence courses from the Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God. As part of an investigation of possible fraud involving courses from the junior college during the summers of 1992-94, the staff has been trying to determine the nature of the work performed by student-athletes who used credits from Southeastern to transfer to NCAA institutions.

* Reviewed a research project being conducted by the NCAA staff to determine how junior college transfers perform at four-year institutions and the rate at which they graduate.

* Discussed ways in which two-year colleges can contribute to ongoing efforts by high-school, college and professional organizations to promote good sportsmanship.