National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

April 29, 1996

Executive Committee to focus on special assistance fund

The emphasis will be on financial matters when the NCAA Executive Committee meets April 30-May 2 in Destin, Florida.

One significant agenda item will involve the special assistance fund. Both the Focus Group to Review Student-Athlete Benefits and the NCAA Committee on Financial Aid and Amateurism are examining several aspects of the special assistance fund, and both will report to the Executive Committee.

The meeting also will feature a report from the NCAA Budget Subcommittee, which will meet April 29.

The Budget Subcommittee will review a preliminary 1996-97 general operating budget, discuss management of the one-time $50 million payment from CBS and discuss increasing funding for the degree-completion program.

The $50 million payment from CBS is a one-time arrangement that was included in the television contract that became effective in 1994-95. Rights fees over the eight-year life of the $1.725 billion contract will average $215.6 million, but the pact included a provision that $50 million of that be paid in advance earlier this year.

The Executive Committee already has agreed to distribute the $50 million evenly over the last five years of the contract, but it still must address how to treat the investment income.

The executive director will report on the Joint Policy Board's March 28 meeting, on the status of the NCAA/United States Olympic Committee Task Force recommendations regarding emerging and endangered sports, and on the status of litigation involving restricted-earnings coaches.

Other general and special committee reports will be provided by the Special Committee to Oversee Implementation of the Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse, the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, and the Basketball Officiating Committee.